Scott allen | UX & Product Design leader

Case Studies


Program Recruiting

Disney College Program CPA Reduction
email marketing
creative design
marketing strategy

In 2006 the Walt Disney Company needed to transition from their print-and-mail college recruiting program to online tools.  The cost per acquisition was too high, and growing, and the tracking metrics were extremely limited.

The primary goals were to increase applications submitted and reduce costs, while the secondary objectives were to improve the application process experience, increase engagement, and collect actionable data.

A plan was put together to utilize email marketing, landing pages, and integrated gamification tactics to increase engagement.  A/B testing, and newly implemented metrics and data, allowed us to pivot to a different designs or communication strategy throughout the campaign.

The end result was a campaign that exceeded metrics by as much as 300%.  Applications tripled. Costs were substantially reduced.  And the Disney College Program had metrics and a database of opt-ins to utilize for future marketing campaigns for other programs such as Disney Professional Internships.

Over the next 3 years, additional Disney programs sought to experience the same success as the College Program. Utilizing a similar targeted strategies and unique visual design, we were able to generate similar success outcomes and a long fruitful partnership.

increase in student applications submitted
reduction in cpa (Cost per acquisition)
contract increase based on success

Disney College Program

For the program my team created an entire recruiting campaign focused on student engagement using gamification techniques, including rewards, ecards, and referrals. The website held the core information about the program and allowed students to apply online instead of mailing applications.

The campaign also recruited campus representatives and alumni to allow local on-site representation and provided them with rewards for referrals.

The campaign tested multiple marketing email content and layouts leading to click through rates unheard of at the time.

Disney Career Start

Aimed at individuals that had just graduated high school and were looking for a unique opportunity, the Career Start Program consisted of an online portal and application process.

Additionally, printed posters were created that could be downloaded by school administrators to print and display around their schools.

Disney Meetings

Walt Disney World Resorts launched Disney Meetings and needed an online portal to coincide with the initiative. My team created an engaging website highlighting the locations and services provided, successfully increasing inquiries and bookings.

Disney International Program

Similar to the Disney College Program, the international program recruited college students, but specifically students outside of the United States, for year-long cultural exchanges with paid positions or summer-long paid internships.

My team and I created impactful visual designs that helped convey adventure and the international culture of the program.

The project consisted of multiple email marketing campaigns linking to a website with an online applications, referral tools, an interactive presentation, and ecards to help drive more applications.

Disney Professional Internships

Disney's Professional Internships Program is targeted towards students that have invested a number of years into their major and have enough education to begin working in a specific part of the organization.

The goal for this program shifted from simply engagement and acquisition to educating applicants on the difference between the two programs. The visuals focused more on integrating more professional imagery and leaning into a more serious tone.

A website and online application were created for the program, while recruiting was primarily directed towards existing College and International Program participants.